License: GPL v3 GitHub issues

Operation Kerberos is a dynamic Arma 3 Coop mission.


For Users
For Developers

short description:

The spawning functions.


EGVAR(spawn,cleanUpDump) is used to delete Objects after the mainmission has been deleted. EGVAR(spawn,cleanUp_Dump_int) pushBack [**TIME**,**OBJECT/GROUP**] this is the internal Variable. You can force the deletion of a OBJECT by adding this to the list. The cleanup deletes objects every 5 seconds for a certain amount of time. If an Objects was not deleted, it will get deleted in the next cycle. By setting OBJECT setVariable [QGVARMAIN(canDelete),false] you can prevent the Deleting of an Object. You have to delete the object manually e.g. by adding it to EGVAR(spawn,cleanUpDump).



Spawning of predefined compositions

Composition Houses

Spawning of reenforced buildings

Spawning of Enemys

Spawns the enemy vehicles and Units

Spawning of Mines and IEDs

spawns minefields and IEDa at roads

Civilian cars

Civilian Cars in garages and roadside